workplace and medical assessments to protect employees and support businesses


For a lot of situations at work regular medical examinations are legally required. After a carefully conducted risk assessment the decision will be made on meeting the action levels triggering surveillance medicals.

The most common risks at work are:

  • Noise surveillance
  • Hand arm vibration surveillance
  • Computer work
  • Night-worker surveillance
  • Food handler assessment
  • Skin surveillance
  • Lung surveillance
  • Lead
  • Asbestos
  • Ionising Radiation

The HSE requests regular surveillance medicals when Workplace Exposure Limits are reached.

The Working Time Regulations require the employer to offer their employees a medical assessment before starting on regular night work and then in regular intervals. The employee has the right to decline the employers offer and miss out on early detection of possible health problems frequently related or worsened by night work.
We offer paper based as well as interactive online night worker assessments.


There is a wide variety of tasks which can be potentially dangerous for employees, colleagues or the public. Some of this risk can relate to medical conditions which affect fitness to perform these tasks safely. By conducting periodic medical examinations you can identify relevant problems and reduce this risk, thereby demonstrating due care to employees, colleagues and the public.

Periodic medical screening tests are commonly performed for

  • FTL
  • HGV
  • PSV
  • Individual designed medicals
  • Stress medical
  • Age medical
  • Manual handling medical
  • Combined mental and physical stress
  • Cardio-vascular risk medical

If you have employees operating dangerous equipment or working in high risk environments, we can design a periodic medical screening programme in your workplace.

For further information please contact us and we would be happy to advise.

Here is a selection of our tweets:

Employers need to arrange regular medicals for employees exposed to noise at work at 80 dB and above

Employers are required to offer regular health checks to employees working regular nights

Loud noise can damage the hearing. Employer has special duties to arrange regular medical assessments

Working with chemicals? Get a professional medical to ensure you are safe

Interested in our other tweets? Follow us on twitter

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Audit of Occupational Health reports 2019
The audit shows over 99% of reports having complied with reporting standard in full. 
Audit of Occupational Health reports 2018
The audit shows over 99% of reports having complied with reporting standard in full.

Audit of Occupational Health reports 2017
The audit shows over 98% of reports having fully complied with reporting standards.

Audit of Occupational Health reports 2016
The audit shows 100% of reports having fully complied with reporting standards.
Audit of Occupational Health reports 2015
2015 shows over 90% of reports having fully complied with reporting standards.

Audit of Occupational Health reports 2014

The audit shows over 99% of reports having fully complied with reporting standards. 
Customer Satisfaction Survey - Occupational Health - 2019
Over 99% of the feedback indicates customers would recommend our services to others. Issues are dealt with quickly and efficiently, enabling business decisions without delay.
Over 99% of patients rate the service as excellent. They value the wealth of knowledge of our health professionals to explain health issues in a way easy to understand. Patients found the consultation helpful and the environment friendly, making the experience a positive one.
Customer Satisfaction Survey - Occupational Health - 2018
100% of the feedback indicates customers would recommend our services to others. Issues are dealt with quickly, enabling business decisions.
Over 98% of patients rate the service as excellent. They value great knowledge of health professionals, their professional conduct and being treated with respect.
Customer Satisfaction Survey - Occupational Health - 2017
Very good feedback with over 90% rating good and better. Great satisfaction has been expressed especially in the areas of professionalism and speed. 
Patients valued the service with 98% as excellent. They appreciate the friendliness and time to listen to their circumstances.

Customer Satisfaction Survey - Occupational Health - 2016
Occupational Health Practitioners scored over 90% excellent in professional manners, medical and workplace knowledge and friendliness  Read more 
Customer Satisfaction Survey - Occupational Health - 2015
The feedback demonstrates high standards can be maintained over several years  Read more 

Customer Satisfaction Survey - Occupational Health - 2014
Another great year of high customer satisfaction read more
 Good health is good business

  © Business and Health Consultancy - Occupational Health Services and Consultancy

last update 12.06.2020